When treating with adjuvant radiation to the neck after dissection for a nodal recurrence from a nonmelanoma cutaneous malignancy, would you include the primary tumor resection bed in the field if some time has passed since the primary resection?
Would you always/never include the initial tumor bed?
Is there a time interval or any other factors that would affect your management?
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I'm aware of no great data in keratinocyte carcinoma that is available to help answer this question. A prospective study of patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma found that among patients with high-risk primary tumors, recurrence at the site of margin-negative excision occurred in 25% with...
Radiation Oncologist at University of Florida I would if it was contiguous and easily included w...
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
I agree with Dr. @Christopher A. Barker's response. I usually tend to include the original site of the primary if the time interval between resection of the primary and RT for nodal recurrence is less than 2 years. Also, I am careful about how extensive my RT field will end up being if I go after th...
I would if it was contiguous and easily included w...