Would the presence of multifocal LVSI change your adjuvant treatment recommendation for a surgically staged IA dedifferentiated endometrial carcinoma?
Does not technically meet high intermediate risk criteria.
Answer from: Radiation Oncologist at Academic Institution
Dedifferentiated is considered a high-grade lesion. There is admittedly low quality evidence on optimal management given lower incidence.I would recommend treatment with vaginal brachytherapy and very much offer chemotherapy. Would prefer vaginal brachytherapy, given the patient was surgically stage...
Radiation Oncologist at David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Agreed with offering chemo, and considering pelvic...
While a dedifferentiated Endometrial Cancer is a high grade lesion, in my opinion, it is not to be bundled in with high grade, Grade 3 endometrioid malignancies. A recent review by Goh et al., PMID 32090165, renewed their experience with 7 dedifferentiated malignancies. In this center, their OS for ...
Agreed with offering chemo, and considering pelvic...