Would you consider combining tovorafenib and trametinib as dual therapy?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
A phase 1/2 study of tovorafenib and the MEK inhibitor selumetinib is planned through the Developmental Therapeutics Committee of the Children's Oncology Group for low-grade gliomas that have failed appropriate prior MAPK blocking therapy and other patients with BRAF/RAF1, RAS, and NF driven maligna...
First, I would worry about side effects and I want to see the results of a phase I study. Second, I don't know if there is a clear benefit. In my opinion, the combination should be tested in the context of a randomised trial. Tovo+tram versus tovo (and maybe a third arm with tram).
No. I think the combination of tovorafenib and trametinib or an alternate MEK inhibitor needs to be studied prospectively to determine where dual therapy is needed. Tovorafenib was effective as a single agent in patients with recurrent or refractory V600E mutant tumors even in some cases when they h...