Would you consider using DOACs in a young patient with SLE and Libman-Sacks endocarditis, who is negative for APS?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
In this scenario, our patient with lupus is young and does not have features of APS. Nevertheless, any patient with Libman Sacks endocarditis carries a heightened risk for embolization. Regarding anticoagulation, the literature on this subject is anecdotal and conflicting with some authors recommend...
at Indiana Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center Thank you Dr. @Simon M. Helfgott, this is very hel...
The benefit of anticoagulation has not been demonstrated convincingly for infective endocarditis patients. In fact, anticoagulation could be harmful for such patients. When the thrombus embolizes, there is a high chance of hemorrhagic conversion especially, in anticoagulated patients. I am not entir...
Thank you Dr. @Simon M. Helfgott, this is very hel...