Do you offer immunosuppression to patients with CTD-ILD with concomitant well controlled HIV?
Answer from: at Academic Institution
With the widespread use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), we have definitely seen an increase in long-term HIV patients who now live long enough and with enough functional immunity to develop CTD-ILD or autoimmune ILD warranting the use of immunosuppression. However, these patients re...
at University at Buffalo Thanks for the input Dr. @Hallowell. Much apprecia...
I agree with @Hallowell's response, which is excellent. Primary things to consider would be control of HIV and medication interactions, but I'd also take into account the patient's history of infections, reliability of taking meds and getting monitored, etc.This is timely since it seems we may ...
Thanks for the input Dr. @Hallowell. Much apprecia...