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Infectious Disease
Non-Tubercular Mycobacteria
What alternative treatment regimen do you recommend for patients with Mycobacterium kansasii lung infection who can no longer tolerate ethambutol due to drug toxicities?
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Do add a macrolide for immunomodulatory effect in patients with macrolide-resistant M. abscessus?
What additional treatment strategies would you recommend for a patient with a Mycobacterium chelonae and Mycobacterium abscessus infection following bilateral prophylactic mastectomies and implant insertion, who has undergone multiple surgeries and an extended course of IV antibiotics selected based on sensitivities?
Have you had success treating localized skin infections due to M. chelonae with single agent therapy in immunocompetent hosts?
Do you recommend prescribing one or two parenteral antibiotics in addition to oral therapy in the management of Mycobacterium abscesses peritonitis related to peritoneal dialysis?
Do you prolong IV therapy or reduce the number of antibiotic agents for patients with pulmonary NTM infections who have completed induction IV therapy and cannot access oral antibiotic therapy due to cost?
Would you start treatment for MAC in a patient with nodular bronchiectatic disease who has demonstrated radiographic progression but remains asymptomatic and smear-negative?
What are your top takeaways from ID Week 2024?
What is your approach to deciding when to stop therapy for cutaneous Mycobacterium chelonae infections?
What is your approach when cryptococcus serum or CSF antigen titers do not change despite treatment in HIV-positive patients with cryptococcal meningitis or invasive disease, but there is clinical improvement and cultures remain negative?
What is your approach to monitoring of inflammatory markers during treatment of native vertebral osteomyelitis?