

Questions discussed in this category

Risk factors for preeclampsia include advanced maternal age and twin gestation. Would your thinking differ if their bleeding history is limited to ea...

For ESRD patients with decreased Protein C activity level, the purported etiology may be a dialyzable substance in uremic plasma that interferes with ...

Thrombophilia workup was negative. Would you use prophylactic or therapeutic anticoagulation?

No DVT. AC started due to extensive size of initial LLE SVT, with continued SVT of contralateral RLE despite therapeutic anticoagulation with apixaban...

New data suggests monoclonal gammopathies can be associated with thrombotic events. Is your practice changing to include monoclonal gammopathy evaluat...

Considering the short half-life, at what point would it be deemed too late to administer any reversal agent, and to consider withholding it?

For example, would you consider this method in an ESRD/HD patient with antiphospholipid syndrome who had a major bleed requiring reversal of warfarin ...

Patient has bilateral common, internal, and external iliac and femoral DVT from obstruction by a large uterine mass that is likely malignant and is pl...

High-risk PEs are typically treated with loading doses of anticoagulants or bridging with LMWH. Do you omit the bridging/loading period and go straigh...

Labs with normal PT, but prolonged PTT (47 sec, ULN 40 sec) that does not correct on immediate mix. Lupus anticoagulant negative (DRVVT and hexagonal ...

How often does this occur and does this lower your suspicion for a "true" or clinically significant lupus anticoagulant?

Or do you generally prefer warfarin/non-DOAC agents? Do you consider trialing DOACs and testing anti-Xa DOAC levels to assess for absorption?

vWF and FVIII activities ~200% and were checked because of the patient's family history of "coagulopathy". Is there any utility in repeating the test...

If they have been on IV heparin for 3 days, for example, would you subtract those days from the recommended loading dose time?

Thrombosis of the greater saphenous vein extending from SFJ to mid-calf, unchanged on follow-up Doppler imaging after 3 months of full dose rivaroxaba...

Cardiolipin was mildly positive and persistent after 12 weeks (29->28 MPL). No other significant provoking factors. The patient started on LMWH. W...

Family history is notable for CVA and early onset MI in nonsmokers, but no personal or family history of VTE. APLS testing is negative. Previously fou...

How would you approach anticoagulation in this situation? Does the presence of thrombocytopenia or hemorrhagic splenic infarcts change your manag...

The patient takes frequent flights for their job, with no prior history of VTE, and has already been taking measures for prevention including frequent...

Would you anticoagulate for a fixed or indefinite duration? Would you recommend changing her contraception method?

Would you label this as intermediate or high risk and treat with prophylactic or full dose AC? What duration would you treat for?

No prior hx of DVT/SVT. Negative LE doppler. Would you consider anticoagulating and at what dose, or favor close observation?

Caplacizumab is not FDA approved in pregnant patients, but has been used safely in isolated case reports. 

If not, has your practice changed to use vWF replacement therapy more routinely for perioperative or acute bleeding management? Do you still perform D...

Assume patient requires anticoagulation in the setting of acute thrombosis, with no need for IVC filter, but is approaching the end of her third trime...

Are the INRs reliable? In what scenarios would you not recommend POC INR use for warfarin monitoring? Are these typically covered by insurance? Are t...

Assume thrombolytics are not indicated. Do you favor early DOAC transition after 24-48 hours of heparin gtt or do you favor LMWH for 10-14 days follow...

Do you do additional workup for venous obstruction or any other different testing/evaluation?

Do social or economic factors (i.e., relative cost of acquiring LMWH, the patient being injection averse) affect your decision to use DOACs? Do you s...

Is there a factor XI goal that you target? Would you consider FVIIa products instead?

In the setting of requiring anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation and bioprosthetic valve, but also having severe vitamin K deficiency, would you st...

Is it different than early mobility that we always encourage?

While follow up ultrasound is not usually recommended in provoked DVT, it often is done either for other reasons or by other physicians. Would this in...

Common thought is that FVIII may be used for differentiating coagulopathy in liver disease (normal to increased, from reduced clearance of VWF/FVIII) ...

What is the work up and what is the duration of anticoagulation if used?

Specifically, asymptomatic subsegmental PE diagnosed within a month from planned bilateral mastectomy for breast cancer. 

Is patch or gel HRT with ASA prophylaxis a reasonable option after counseling? Or do you add a prophylactic DOAC? 

Would you consider low dose indefinite anticoagulation in any scenario? Any difference in approach between hematological malignancy and solid tum...

For example: In a patient presenting with left arm swelling and found to have a left cephalic vein occlusive thrombus on ultrasound

In the absence of concerning bleeding or thrombosis, family history of coagulopathy, current anticoagulant use, or malnutrition

Specifically - patient who had mild aggregation defect with ADP which corrected in third trimester of pregnancy. Would it be appropriate or necessary ...

What is your preferred agent (DOAC, warfarin, enoxaparin), and is periprocedural bridging necessary?

I.e., what constitutes well-controlled cancer, IBD, nephrotic syndrome, etc. What other diseases do you put in this category (obesity, autoimmune dise...

- Dialysis catheter used for hemodialysis- RIJ thrombus in dialysis catheter was incidentally found- Patient asymptomatic with no prior history of VTE...

APLA syndrome, obesity, non compliance ruled out and prefers another oral anticoagulation. Is higher dose of rivaroxaban or apixaban an option?

In the setting of no personal or family history and no other risk factors for thrombosis, is systemic anticoagulation warranted if local treatments (e...

How would the approach differ if the patient had a significant bleeding phenotype vs only minor bruising and mucosal bleeding?

In the absence of a VTE would you consider prophylaxis after a surgical procedure? Often non-hematologists order this testing but we are consulted for...

FVL heterozygotes are often treated similarly to the general population. Aside from avoiding other VTE risk factors, are there situations where prophy...

How does cirrhosis and/or underlying thrombophilia affect your decision?

Conversion tables suggest starting the new drug with the next dose but do not seem to answer this question (i.e. if switching from rivaroxaban 20 mg d...

Would you offer indefinite anticoagulation if the event is unprovoked and the patient has low bleeding risk? 

Please also discuss the type and duration of anticoagulation.

Provoked or unprovoked VTE: Do you use D-Dimer (or even repeat imaging to reassess residual clot) in any capacity to guide anticoagulation duration? E...

Have you used anticoagulants other than coumadin? Or is that the only appropriate agent given monitoring is based on PT/INR?

Do you feel comfortable with BTK inhibitors in these patients? In ELEVATE-RR patients on a/c were excluded, and rate of atrial fibrillation in the ac...

While low-dose aspirin for primary thrombosis prevention in aPL without APS is not typically recommended outside cardiovascular prevention guidelines ...

While there are many factors involving:- type (DVT vs PE, unprovoked vs provoked) and severity of venous thromboembolism (VTE) size- duration of antic...

While this is a known risk factor for venous [Meijers et al NEJM 2000] and potentially arterial [Yang et al, Am J Clin Pathol 2006] thrombosis, it is ...

Do you recommend therapeutic phlebotomy to a certain Hct goal? Any strong evidence for thromboembolic risk related to erythrocytosis or if this is mit...

Given recent data in Blood (Moik et al, 2021), and the potentially overlapping risks with other clinical factors associated with NSCLC. Will you alte...

Is there any difference between anticoagulants in this clinical context (e.g. anti-Xa inhibitors vs warfarin vs LMWH)?

The use of anti-fibrinolytics is typically contraindicated in DIC, but does it have benefit in DIC states characterized by hyperfibrinolysis?

Does having a concurrent consumptive process e.g. DIC change your management? 

Assuming the patient is a candidate for all anticoagulation options (no mechanical valve, antiphospholipid syndrome, patient-specific contraindication...

While thrombophilia testing is not routinely recommended prior to starting OCPs, how about after the development of a VTE?

While the CKD population is at high thrombotic and bleeding risk, would you consider anticoagulating a patient prophylactically if they had a history ...

In a patient with severe factor XII deficiency with a baseline prolonged PTT, what is the best method to monitor their ACT or heparin levels when on c...

Ref: EINSTEIN-CHOICE and AMPLIFY-EXT Would you approach this differently in patients with inherited thrombophilias?

For example, a patient on cytoreductive therapy and aspirin BID, but suffers an arterial event, or a patient who is already on therapeutic anticoagula...

In a patient with a medical or personal indication to induce oligomenorrhea/amenorrhea, how would you manage OCP therapy if a patient develops a VTE d...

If there are a low-risk patients who can be monitored, how would you do so? If unprovoked, would you consider stopping anticoagulation?

Is there a preferred strategy of transfusional support versus reduced-dose anticoagulation during the duration of thrombocytopenia?

Especially in a patient without hemophilia or thrombosis history?

Papers discussed in this category

Thrombosis research, 2019-01

Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2018-07-10

The New England journal of medicine, 2018-02-15

Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 2016-04

Blood, 2018 Jul 12

Ann. Intern. Med., 2019 Oct 15

Blood Transfus, 2018 Oct 24

J Thromb Haemost, 2018 May 08

AJR Am J Roentgenol,

Lancet, 2016 May 10

J Vasc Interv Radiol, 2020 Sep 09

Blood, 2015 Dec 22

Contraception, 2016 May 03

BMJ, 2008 May 20


Blood Cancer J, 2018 Feb 09

Blood, 2017 May 08

Blood, 2013-12-05

Blood Adv,


Lancet (London, England), 2010-07-03

J Intensive Care, 2014 Feb 20

Thrombosis, 2013

Thrombosis journal, 2023 Oct 26

PLoS One, 2021 Apr 08

The New England journal of medicine, 2016-11-10

The New England journal of medicine, 2018-05-31

The New England journal of medicine, 2018-06-14

Lancet (London, England), 2019-05-04

Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 2012-12

N Engl J Med,


Cancers (Basel), 2019 Dec 25

N Engl J Med, 2021 Apr 14

Semin Hematol,

Blood, 2016-07-14

Blood, 2016 Sep 26

J Thromb Thrombolysis,

Circulation, 2012-09-25

BMJ, 2021 Jun 09

J Am Heart Assoc, 2020 Nov 23

Am J Hematol,

Blood advances, 2018-11-27

Blood advances, 2018-11-27

Blood Adv, 2017 Jun 22


Int J Lab Hematol, 2021 Oct 05

Transfusion and apheresis science : official journal of the World Apheresis Association : official journal of the European Society for Haemapheresis, 2013-10

Journal of clinical medicine, 2023 Nov 03

Post reproductive health, 2022 Dec 27

Hepatology, 1996 Jun

Hepatology, 1986 Jul-Aug

Gut, 1992 Jan

Hematology. American Society of Hematology. Education Program, 2015

J Clin Med, 2020 Mar 10

Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program, 2021 Dec 10

JAMA Neurol, 2019 Dec 01

J Thromb Haemost, 2021 Jul 14

Blood, 2020 Mar 19

Haematologica, 2019 Jan 03

The New England journal of medicine, 2013-02-21

The New England journal of medicine, 2017 Mar 18

Journal of hospital medicine, 2019-01

The New England journal of medicine, 2019 Feb 18

Phlebology, 2020 Mar 02

VASA. Zeitschrift fur Gefasskrankheiten, 2001 Jul

Journal of vascular surgery, 2000 Nov

Blood, 2014 Oct 15

Circulation. Cardiovascular interventions, 2015-10

Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis, 2018 Oct 19

Thrombosis and haemostasis, 2019 Oct 28

Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, 2021 Apr 01

British journal of haematology, 2024 Sep 02

JAMA network open, 2023 Aug 01

Blood, 2013 Jun 04

Annals of internal medicine, 2021 Nov 23

Chest, 2012-02

N Engl J Med, 2020 Mar 29

Chest, 2021 Oct 08

Thrombosis journal, 2017 Oct 03

The Lancet. Haematology, 2021 Aug 04

Clinical and applied thrombosis/hemostasis : official journal of the International Academy of Clinical and Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis, 2023 Jan-Dec

Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, 2019 Sep 13

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 2024 Jan 18

European surgical research. Europaische chirurgische Forschung. Recherches chirurgicales europeennes, 2021 Dec 06

Stroke, 2023 Sep 07

Stroke, 2024 Jan 29

Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, 2024 Oct 21

Blood advances, 2024 Jul 09

Blood advances, 2024 Aug 13

British journal of haematology, 2021 Sep 29

British journal of haematology, 2023 May 24

British journal of haematology, 2024 Jan 02

Cureus, 2023 Oct 16

The Journal of clinical endocrinology and metabolism, 2018 May 01

The Journal of urology, 2022 Jan 20

Haematologica, 2009 Oct 14

American journal of hematology, 2023 Jul 20

Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis : an international journal in haemostasis and thrombosis, 2008-01

Journal of general internal medicine, 2007-01

Blood advances, 2018-11-27

Blood advances, 2023 Nov 28

Annals of the rheumatic diseases, 2019-10

Arthritis & rheumatology (Hoboken, N.J.), 2023 Aug 28

Circulation, 2018 Apr 3

The Lancet. Haematology, 2017 Feb 16

Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 2018 Dec 21

Archives of medical science : AMS, 2019 Mar 04

Blood, 2013 Jul 02

The New England journal of medicine, 2010 Sep 23

Blood, 2014 Nov 14

Blood advances, 2023 Jan 24

Thrombosis and haemostasis, 2018 Feb 12

Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, 2020 Nov

Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis : JTH, 2023 Aug 18

Stroke, 2015 Oct 29

Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis, 2023 May 20